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I am a security researcher at Ericsson and an industrial PhD student in the Theoretical Computer Science group (TCS) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. My research topic is modelling, verification and proof techniques for cryptographic protocols applicable to real-world systems.

At Ericsson Research, I work mainly with design and analysis of security architectures and protocols, as well as software security.


Conference and workshop papers
  • Secure Anycast Channels with Applications to 4G and 5G Handovers (preprint)
  • Extended Formal Analysis of the EDHOC Protocol in Tamarin
  • Formal Analysis of EDHOC Key Establishment for Constrained IoT Devices
  • Secure Federated Learning in 5G Mobile Networks
  • OpenSAW: Open Security Analysis Workbench
  • Subscription identifier privacy in 5G systems
  • Error-Correcting Message Authentication for 5G
  • Protecting IMSI and User Privacy in 5G Networks
  • Formal Verification of the Security for Dual Connectivity in LTE
  • USIM Compatible 5G AKA Protocol with Perfect Forward Secrecy
  • Formal Analysis of Security Procedures in LTE - A Feasibility Study
  • Conversational IP multimedia security
Book chapters
  • IMS Multimedia Telephony over Cellular Systems: VoIP Evolution in a Converged Telecommunication World (Chapter 6)
  • Key management and Protection for IP Multimedia (Chapther 5) in Multimedia Security Handbook
  • 6G Security – drivers and needs
  • Security in 5G RAN and core deployments
  • 5G security - enabling a trustworthy 5G system
  • Setting the standard: methodology counters security threats
  • Detecting false base stations in mobile networks
  • Protecting 5G against IMSI catchers
  • Safety, Security and Privacy in Our Connected Society
  • 5G Security Standardization

Comunity service

I have been reviewer for the conferences and journals: ACM CCS 2023, EURO S&P 2023, ACM CCS 2022, NordSec 2022, Vietcrypt 2006, IEEE Telecommunications Journal.


PhD candidate
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Department of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)

I investigate formal modeling and proofs for cryptographic protocols and primitives using both penn-and-paper proofs and mechanized proof-support tools such as Tamarin and EasyCrypt. My supervisor is Mads Dam.

The research is partially supported by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) fundedby the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
Master's degree in computer science
Stockholm University, Sweden
Department of Mathematics

Thesis: RTP Security in 3G Networks.

I was part of the development team for the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) standardized in IETF as RFC 3711.


Security Researcher
Formal title: Expert Mobile Network Security
Ericsson Research
2001 - present

I am primarily working with security architectures and cryptographic protocol analysis and design, and also with software security.

I am a strong believer in goal oriented and motivated security designs.